Dienstag, 10. Mai 2011

Start of a Warhammer Fantasy Army

Hello to whoever might be reading this,

After four years of LOTR Tabletop and another four years of Warhammer 40k I've decided to give Warhammer Fantasy a try while I've chosen Uruk-hai/Orks in the last two Systems I picked the "good guys" this time, and I'm really looking forward to get startet on playing, all I've done so far was some painting.
Tomorrow, when the light is better, I'll post some pictures of what I've painted so far. I started out with the Army Deal (and some blisters) and have painted 1 Bretonnian Duke, 15 Peasants, 12 Archers and 4 Knights of the King as well as a Knight on Pegasus.
I really enjoy mass-heavy armies, so there will be a lot more Peasants and Archers to paint!
I am also planning on some Bretonnian themed scenery, since I haven't found much about that someone else who might be looking for the same could end up here after all, but Terrain building is not planned until I hit at least 1000 points.
That's it for now, that's the plan. More to come :)

P.S.: I'm translating fairly free from German to English, so whenever you find a term or a unit name that I mistranslated let me know!

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